Webinar: The Gift of Forgiveness


Increase your wealth and happiness by seeking forgiveness!

In the time of a global COVID-19 pandemic, now is a time to reflect and run to Almighty Allah and beg for forgiveness.

Join us for a special Sacred Knowledge Seminar where Shaykh Faisal Hamid Abdur-Razak will speak about the gift of seeking forgiveness. Shaykh Faisal  will discuss:

  • How forgiveness is a gift for the believer and
  • How it can increase your  wealth & health.

Register now and watch this webinar with family and friends from the comfort of your home.

By Shaykh Faisal Hamid Abdur-Razak

  • When: Saturday April 11, 2020
  • Time: 11am to 3pm EST (Toronto Time)
  • Cost: $5

Click Here to Register Now!